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 Ans to the Question No. 1: Here I Search for 5 AI tools that will be worthy of mentioning in  Creators’ AI  and given below the the list of these tools with link, screenshot and one sentence description. For each tool there is a written  explanation of why I think this tool is worth to mention.

1. Opus Clip

Link: Opus Clip (

Description: Opus Clip is an AI tool for turning long-form video content into short-form content, making it easier to capture the audience's attention in today's short attention span era.

Opus Clip is an exceptional AI tool, accessible via this link, designed to cater to the modern content creator's needs. In an era where audience attention spans are increasingly limited, Opus Clip comes to the rescue by efficiently transforming lengthy video content into concise, attention-grabbing clips. This tool is indispensable for creators seeking to optimize engagement and convey their message effectively in a brief yet impactful manner. With its user-friendly interface and powerful AI algorithms, Opus Clip is a must-mention tool in the arsenal of any content creator striving for success in the digital landscape.


Link: 10Web (

Description: 10Web tools use AI to help users build websites quickly and efficiently, saving both time and money.

At 10Web, the power of AI is harnessed to simplify and accelerate website development, ultimately saving precious time and resources. This suite of AI-powered tools empowers users to swiftly create professional websites without the need for extensive coding or design expertise. By leveraging AI technology, streamlines the web development process, making it an invaluable asset for creators looking to establish a robust online presence. Whether you're an aspiring blogger, a small business owner, or an established web professional,'s AI-driven tools deserve recognition for their role in making website building accessible, efficient, and cost-effective.

3. ChatGPT Writer Chrome Extension

Link: ChatGPT Writer (

Description: "This AI tool is a Chrome extension that simplifies and speeds up the process of replying to emails using AI-generated responses."

The ChatGPT Writer Chrome Extension is a game-changer for email management. This innovative AI tool, accessible via the provided link, operates seamlessly as a Chrome extension, revolutionizing the email response process. By harnessing the power of AI, it simplifies and expedites the task of crafting email responses. With its ability to generate contextually relevant replies, ChatGPT Writer helps users save significant time and effort, ensuring that responses are not only prompt but also articulate. In an era where effective communication is paramount, this tool merits a spot on the list for its exceptional ability to enhance productivity and streamline email correspondence.

4. DocuAsk

Link: DocuAsk (

Description: "DocuAsk is an AI tool that can analyze and answer questions about lengthy documents, saving users from having to read through them manually."

DocuAsk is a remarkable AI tool that revolutionizes the way we interact with lengthy documents. It's a game-changer for professionals and researchers who grapple with extensive textual content. DocuAsk's exceptional capability lies in its ability to comprehensively analyze and respond to questions related to these documents, sparing users the arduous task of manually sifting through pages of text. With DocuAsk, you can swiftly extract critical information, verify facts, and obtain insights, all at your fingertips. Its innovative approach to document navigation, powered by AI, makes it a tool worth mentioning for anyone seeking to enhance their efficiency and productivity in dealing with extensive written materials.

5. Tidio's AI Lyro

Link: Tidio's AI Lyro (

Description: "Tidio's AI Lyro is an AI-powered chatbot that can assist or replace your support team, answering customer questions and improving the customer experience."

Tidio's AI Lyro is a game-changing AI-powered chatbot that has the potential to transform customer support. This innovative tool, accessible through the provided link, serves as a virtual support team member, adeptly handling customer inquiries and elevating the overall customer experience. AI Lyro is designed to answer questions, provide information, and engage with customers in a friendly and efficient manner. By harnessing the capabilities of AI, it not only enhances customer service but also offers a cost-effective solution for businesses seeking to streamline their support operations. Tidio's AI Lyro is a noteworthy inclusion for its role in redefining customer engagement and support in the digital age.

Ans to the Question No. 2: Here is 5 AI step by step tutorials searched for where author achieved something exciting with AI and transparently demonstrated it to his audience. 

Tutorial 1: How to Build a Neural Network to Generate Art by Siraj Raval


In this tutorial, Siraj begins by discussing the history of art and how artists have always utilized new technologies to enhance their creativity. This sets the stage for the usefulness of AI in art. The video introduces the idea of generating art using machine learning, making it clear that AI can create stunning art pieces with just a few lines of code which is very exciting. The practicality of AI is emphasized by proposing the idea of AI as a collaborator rather than a competitor for artists, making art creation faster and more efficient.

The video mentions historical instances where artists used technology for creative purposes, highlighting the uniqueness of AI as the latest addition to this trend. Deep Dream and style transfer are discussed, showcasing the unique capabilities of AI in transforming images into various artistic styles. The video explains how they will use Keras and the pre-trained VGG16 model, emphasizing the uniqueness of AI's ability to mimic artistic styles. The video delves into the practical implementation of AI in art by explaining the loss functions for content and style. It shows how AI can analyze and mimic both content and style aspects of an image.

In summary, this tutorial shows you how to build a neural network to generate art, using a dataset of famous paintings. The results are impressive, and the tutorial is well-explained and easy to follow. This tutorial is useful for anyone interested in learning how to use AI to create art. It is also a good introduction to neural networks and how to train them. This tutorial covers a unique topic, as it shows you how to use AI to generate art. This is not something that is commonly covered in other AI tutorials. This tutorial is practical, as it shows you how to build a neural network from scratch. This is a skill that can be used for a variety of AI tasks, not just generating art.

The practicality of the process is highlighted as the video describes how gradient descent is used to optimize the output image.

Mobile apps like Prisma and Artisto that allow users to apply AI-powered art styles to their photos and videos are mentioned, showcasing the practicality and accessibility of this technology.

Tutorial 2: How to Build a Chatbot with Python by Indently 


The video introduces the chatbot creation, highlighting its utility in learning from user interactions. The chatbot's ability to remember and respond based on user input is showcased as a practical and valuable feature. The concept of storing the chatbot's knowledge base in a JSON file is explained, emphasizing its usefulness in retaining learned responses.

The uniqueness of this chatbot lies in the fact that it was generated with the help of GPT-4 and then modified for tutorial purposes, showcasing the collaboration between AI and human creativity. The chatbot's capability to adapt and learn from user-provided responses sets it apart from standard chatbots, making it a unique and dynamic tool.

The use of a JSON file to store the chatbot's knowledge base is a distinctive approach that allows for easy updates and expansion.

The practicality of the chatbot is demonstrated as it can be used to answer questions and engage in conversations with users. The video provides step-by-step instructions on loading and saving the chatbot's knowledge base, making it accessible and manageable. The chatbot's continuous learning ability and the option to teach it new responses make it a practical tool for various applications.

In conclusion, this video presents a useful, unique, and practical chatbot creation process that harnesses AI capabilities while remaining adaptable and engaging for users. 

Tutorial 3: How to Build How to Build a Spam Filter with TensorFlow


Application: This tutorial shows you how to build a spam filter using TensorFlow's Keras API. Spam filters are an essential tool for protecting your inbox from unwanted and malicious emails. By building your own spam filter with TensorFlow, you can learn how to use this powerful machine learning framework to solve real-world problems.

Spam filters are used by millions of people around the world to protect their email inboxes from unwanted and malicious emails. By building your own spam filter with TensorFlow, you can create a tool that is tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

This tutorial is designed for beginners, and it provides a step-by-step guide on how to build a spam filter using TensorFlow. This means that even if you have no prior experience with machine learning, you can follow this tutorial and create a working spam filter.

Spam filters are a great way to learn about machine learning and how it can be used to solve real-world problems. By building your own spam filter with TensorFlow, you can gain a deeper understanding of how machine learning works and how it can be used to create useful and practical applications.

To follow this tutorial, you will need:

  • A basic understanding of Python
  • TensorFlow installed on your computer
Once you have completed this tutorial, you will be able to:
  • Build a spam filter using TensorFlow's Keras API
  • Train your spam filter on a dataset of emails
  • Evaluate the performance of your spam filter
  • Deploy your spam filter to production

Tutorial 4: How to Build a Self-Driving Car with Raspberry Pi by Adrian Rosebrock

Excitement: This tutorial shows you how to build a self-driving car with Raspberry Pi. This is a very impressive project, and the tutorial is well-explained and easy to follow.

Usefulness: This tutorial is useful for anyone interested in learning how to build self-driving cars. Self-driving cars are the future of transportation, and this tutorial can give you a head start on this rapidly growing field.

Uniqueness: This tutorial covers a unique topic, as it shows you how to build a self-driving car with Raspberry Pi. This is not something that is commonly covered in other AI tutorials.

Practicality: This tutorial is practical, as it shows you how to build a self-driving car from scratch. This is a skill that can be used for a variety of AI tasks, not just building self-driving cars.

Demonstration: Adrian Rosebrock demonstrates the results of his self-driving car in a video, where he shows it navigating a simple obstacle course.

Tutorial 5: How to Build a Face Recognition System with Python by OpenCV


OpenCV provides a number of different algorithms for face detection. One of the most popular algorithms is the Cascade Classifier. The Cascade Classifier is a machine learning model that has been trained on a large dataset of images containing faces and non-faces.
To perform face detection with OpenCV, you can use the following steps:
  1. Load the Cascade Classifier model.
  2. Convert the image or video to grayscale.
  3. Apply the Cascade Classifier model to the image or video.
  4. Draw bounding boxes around the detected faces.
Improving the Accuracy of Face Detection
There are a number of things you can do to improve the accuracy of face detection:
  • Use a well-trained Cascade Classifier model.
  • Train your own Cascade Classifier model on a dataset of images that is relevant to your specific application.
  • Use post-processing to remove false positives. For example, you can use a filter to remove bounding boxes that are too small or too large.

Transparent Demonstration

The author of the article demonstrates his face detection algorithm in a clear and transparent manner. He provides a video tutorial that shows how to use his algorithm to detect faces in images and videos. He also provides the code for his algorithm, so that others can use it in their own projects.


This article provides a clear and concise explanation of face detection and how to perform it using OpenCV. The author's approach to face detection is unique and effective, and he demonstrates his algorithm in a clear and transparent manner.

Excitement: This tutorial shows you how to build a face recognition system with Python, using the OpenCV library. The results are impressive, and the tutorial is well-explained and easy to follow.
Usefulness: This tutorial is useful for anyone interested in learning how to build face recognition systems. Face recognition systems are being used for a variety of purposes, such as security, surveillance. 



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