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Semaglutide Weight Loss: How to know exactly this drug works in terms of weight loss and its pros and cons

Semaglutide Weight Loss

Semaglutide Weight Loss:

Many people feel distressed when thinking about uncontrolled obesity, but semaglutide weight loss that described in this article, you will be able to know that there is a piece of good news to relieve this obesity problem and motivate you to believe On the optimistic side because for the first time ever in world history,

Semaglutide weight loss has been approved by FDA on June 04, 2021.

Today we will share detailed information about semaglutide weight loss. What is Semaglutide? And why this is actually the ‘game-changer drug for weight loss? Are you depressed with overweight that has been causing many of the problems in day-to-day life?

Is this true that Semaglutide weight loss can bring a smile to the millions who are struggling with unchanged overweight? How to take this drug and how this drug works? Let’s find out.


FDA Approved Semaglutide that is twice effective as other Rx treatments for obesity 

Weight loss drugs are getting bad reputations over the years. Also, over OTC (Over-the-counter) and prescription drugs show disappointing results and troublesome side effects. Not only that but it also turned out to be deadly and dangerous.

So, what do obesity experts say about newly approved semaglutide?

"Semaglutide is endorsed by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) toward the beginning of June 2021 and sold under the brand name Wegovy, which is for "Persistent weight the executives" the adults those are clinically obese adults, Mostly the people with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or greater. In any case, individuals thought about only overweight, with a BMI of 27, are likewise qualified, if they have at any rate one weight-related illness, for example, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, or type 2 diabetes.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has supported a 2.4 mg/week subcutaneous portion of the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist semaglutide (Wegovy, Novo Nordisk) for weight reduction, the organization has reported.

Semaglutide 1 mg infusion (Ozempic) was first endorsed as a treatment for type 2 diabetes in 2017.

""The current approval provides adults with obesity or overweight a valuable new therapeutic option to join a weight management program," stated John Sharretts, MD, appointed director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research's division of diabetes, lipid issues, and corpulence."

In particular, this medication configuration and measurements are endorsed as an aide to a decreased calorie diet and expanded active work to treat grown-ups who have corpulence (weight file [BMI] ≥ 30 kg/m2) or are overweight (BMI ≥ 27 kg/m2) within any event one weight-related comorbidity.

What does semaglutide do? 

"Semaglutide is a medication that belongs to the class of medication called GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor) agonists.

It builds insulin emission, which is useful for diabetes. Basically, at a higher dose, it acts on the Central nervous of the brain and suppresses hunger.

It is critical to utilize this prescription related to the way of life mediation. With obesity, it is needed to change the way of life along with the medication. What this medication does is assist patients with following a decreased calorie diet.

Semaglutide "prompts weight reduction by lessening hunger, expanding sensations of completion, and in this way assisting individuals with eating and diminish their calorie admission," as indicated by an organization explanation.

Semaglutide is certifiably not a new drug but rather a repurposed one; a similar dynamic fixing has been available since 2017 as a treatment for type 2 diabetes.

Taking the medication as a once-weekly injection intended to bring down glucose frequently prompts some weight reduction, particularly among patients who take the 1 mg-per-week dose rather than the lower 0.5-mg alternative.

Because of the new FDA endorsement, a considerably higher dose of semaglutide, 2.4 mg, will presently be sold explicitly for weight reduction under the brand name Wegovy.

Semaglutide shows 20% weight loss of a third population in the drug trials -

Before applying for the FDA approval, Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer of Wegovy, conducted several studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the 2.4 mg dose. The largest study, a 68-week double-blind trial of nearly 2,000 obese adults who did not have diabetes, found that people who took 2.4 mg of semaglutide weekly "expansion to taking part in an eating regimen and exercise program lost altogether more weight than the individuals who made a similar way of life changes yet were given a placebo."

On trial in the semaglutide group, half of the patients were able to lose at least 15 % of their body weight and a third of the patients lose 20 % of body weight, that is promising results, aren’t they? On the contrary, those who took the placebo merely lose weight at a 2.4 % rate only.

Jennifer L. Kirby, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the University of Virginia Health System, commented about this study is pretty impressive. He also mentioned in his study that, "He has a restricted measure of apparatuses in his tool stash with regards to the treatment of overweight and stoutness. The addition of semaglutide weight loss is a piece of phenomenal information."

Why Semaglutide is ahead of other Rx options

If you look at the market now a day in terms of weight reduction, there are very few FDA-approved weight-loss drug options to take and those barely work with lots of side effects and more problems lurking around the treatment options.

In the clinical trials, it shows that the efficacy of Semaglutide weight loss is twice that of what we have seen in currently available approved weight loss medication.

Semaglutide belongs to the class of drug called incretin mimetics. It mimics a natural hormone called GLP-1 that causes the body to produce more insulin after eat and reduces blood sugar levels and reduces weight loss.

With other GLP-1 medications, in any case, weight reduction will in general be moderate — the vast majority lose simply 6 to 9 pounds. But on the contrary, the individuals who take 2.4 mg of semaglutide (Wegovy) regularly lose undeniably more weight. So, for instance, if your starting weight is 200 pounds and you take that medication, it will cause you to drop 15% of total bodyweight thus you will lose 30 pounds.

In Brain, how semaglutide weight loss works 

What semaglutide does for weight loss simply suppresses the appetite by acting on the central nervous system in the brain? While it suppresses the appetite, a person taking semaglutide will usually eat less because He/ She will not feel that much hunger like before. Also in this way, calorie-dense food will be able to avoid in the body system.

Another prescription drug those are available in the market right now also works in the central nervous system by suppressing the appetite but in this context, they do not work like GLP-1 drugs, and their mechanism also is not similar to the GLP-1 drugs. 

 Few drugs available in the market which is approved by US FDA works by decreasing the absorption of fat from the foods that were eaten.

But according to the experts and the publishers of the studies regarding semaglutide weight loss, not to mention that, none of these drugs can come closer to the efficacy that is shown by semaglutide. 


The Steps of Clinical Trial Program for Semaglutide “The Game Changer” Weight loss Drug: 

The great FDA administering depends on outcomes from the Semaglutide Treatment Effect in People with Obesity (STEP) program of four-stage 3 clinical preliminaries that tried the medication's wellbeing and adequacy above 4500 grown-ups with overweight or corpulence who were randomized to get a diminished calorie dinner plan and expanded actual work (fake treatment) or the way of life intercession in addition to semaglutide.

The four 68-week preliminaries of subcutaneous semaglutide 2.4 mg/week versus fake treatment were distributed in the New England Journal of Medicine (STEP 1), The Lancet (STEP 2), and JAMA (STEP 3, STEP 4) in February and March 2021.

  • Stage 1 was in 1961 grown-ups. Stage 2 was in 1210 grown-ups who additionally had diabetes. 
  • Stage 3 was in 611 grown-ups, where those in the therapy bunch additionally went through a concentrated way of life mediation. 
  • Stage 4 was in 803 grown-ups who had arrived at an objective portion of 2.4 mg semaglutide following a 20-week spat (and the preliminary inspected further weight reduction in the resulting 48 weeks).

In STEP 1, 2, and 4 preliminaries of people with overweight and heftiness, those in the semaglutide bunches accomplished a 15% to 18% weight reduction of more than 68 weeks. 
The dose was all around endured. The most widely recognized results were gastrointestinal, and they were transient and gentle or moderate in seriousness. 
The results, contraindications, and a discovery cautioning about thyroid C-cell tumors are illuminated in the recommending data. 

A coauthor of STEP 1 preliminary, Rachel Batterham, MBBS, Ph.D., of the Center for Obesity Research at University College London, UK, said at the hour of distribution: "The discoveries of this examination address a significant leap forward for improving the wellbeing of individuals with stoutness." 

"No other medication has verged on delivering this degree of weight reduction — this truly is a distinct advantage. Interestingly, individuals can accomplish through drugs what was just conceivable through weight reduction medical procedure," she added.

Semaglutide is called a “game-changer” but not as a “magic pill” 

It is very important to understand that many people are making the mistakes of taking or thinking of semaglutide as a magic pill who thought that this drug work magically but in reality, you have to know and understand that it is called a “Game changer” drug. 

There are many differences between a game-changer and a magic pill. What is this right?

Although the purpose of Semaglutide weight loss, is described as a “game-changer” it is important to keep in mind that using semaglutide weight loss is not a rapid or quick, or easy way to fix the problem. It only helps the patients stick to a reduced low-calorie diet so we can say that it is not a magic pill that will give you rapid magical results right after start taking semaglutide for weight loss. Also while taking semaglutide for weight loss medication, you still have to give attention to the day-to-day lifestyle choices and also to keep up the physical activity to stay fit and healthy. What Semaglutide does for weight loss is, helping a person to stick with the diet and exercise and it is necessary for weight loss that is otherwise very difficult for overweight and obese people to do so. Although it is not the fault of the obese people to be in that difficult situation the disease pattern or mechanism to blame for, because it is making them feel hungrier so to reduce the weight no matter how many times they work but they usually regain the weight, so Semaglutide will change this old game by giving them a big hope to make reality happen.

Lower-Dose Injectable and Pill Already Approved for Diabetes

Subcutaneous semaglutide at dosages up to 1 mg/week (Ozempic, Novo Nordisk), which comes as prefilled pens at portions of 0.5 mg or 1.0 mg, is now supported for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. 

The organization is likewise applying for endorsement for a higher portion of semaglutide, 2 mg/week, for use in type 2 diabetes, and has quite recently resubmitted its mark development application to the FDA, after the office gave a refusal to record letter in March. 

Furthermore, in September 2019, the FDA endorsed oral semaglutide (Rybelsus, Novo Nordisk), in portions of 7 and 14 mg/day, to improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetes, making it the principal GLP-1 receptor agonist accessible in tablet structure.

What to do to avoid side effects of Semaglutide- 

Side effects for example, if you see the side effects of semaglutide it is mild very mild, although very new users felt gastrointestinal problems, for instance, nausea. Few also experienced diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, or stomach pain. To avoid or reduce these mild side effects or complications, when someone starts taking semaglutide weight loss, should start with the initial dose at very low and slowly can increase up to 2.4 mg. Do not just increase the dose rapidly remember to avoid these side effects increase the dose very slowly.

 Another important warning is worth mentioning that, Semaglutide is linked to medullary thyroid cancer, but this adverse effect has been reported only on animal studies, not in humans. So still anyone who has a history or family history of this rare thyroid cancer should avoid this drug. A rare medical condition called multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type-2 (MEN2) shouldn’t take semaglutide either as well as those who have a history of pancreatitis or gallbladder disease, also have to avoid this drug. 

Semaglutide 2.4 mg ought not to be utilized in mix with other semaglutide-containing items, other GLP-1 receptor agonists, or different items planned for weight reduction, including physician-endorsed drugs, over-the-counter medications, and natural items, as indicated by the delivery. Semaglutide 2.4 mg has not been concentrated in patients with a background marked by pancreatitis.

Adults, mostly at any age can consider Semaglutide weight loss but the older adults should have consulted their doctors before taking any kind of weight loss medications. Because if you do not have required bone mineral density and/or you have thinning bones which in the medical term called osteopenia or osteoporosis, or severe loss of muscle mass, then losing weight can amplify these problems and making them worse. Try to include a sufficient amount of aerobic and strength-training exercise in your weight loss regimen.

The recommending data for semaglutide 2.4 mg contains a boxed admonition to advise medical care experts and patients about the possible danger for thyroid C-cell tumors. Semaglutide ought not to be utilized in patients with an individual or family background of medullary thyroid carcinoma or patients with different endocrine neoplasia condition type 2. Semaglutide additionally contains alerts for pancreatitis, gallbladder issues, hypoglycemia, intense kidney injury, diabetic retinopathy, expanded pulse, and self-destructive conduct or thinking. On the off chance that semaglutide is utilized with insulin or a substance that causes insulin discharge, patients ought to talk with their supplier about conceivably bringing down the portion of insulin or the insulin-actuating medication to diminish hazard for hypoglycemia. FDA expressed suppliers should screen patients with kidney sickness, diabetic retinopathy, and sadness or self-destructive practices or considerations.

Oral Format Trials for Obesity on the Horizon: 

The continuous Semaglutide Effects on Heart Disease and Stroke in Patients with Overweight or Obesity (SELECT) preliminary will reveal insight into cardiovascular results after 2.5 to 5 years in patients with cardiovascular infection and overweight or corpulence however without type 2 diabetes. Members will get semaglutide in dosages up to a limit of 2.4 mg/week, or fake treatment, as an assistant to the way of life proposals zeroed in on cardiovascular danger decrease. The examination is required to finish in 2023. 

What's more, Novo Nordisk plans to start a worldwide 68-week stage 3 preliminary in the second 50% of 2021 on the viability and security of oral semaglutide 50 mg contrasted and fake treatment in 1000 individuals with weight or overweight and comorbidities.

How much it will cost the drug: 

At this moment for most people, it is a big downside to use semaglutide for weight loss due to its cost issue. At this moment if any patients who are going to be considering going with Semaglutide weight loss will have to be looking at $1200-$1300 per month as long they take it to achieve Semaglutide weight loss. We can hope that it will reduce over time.

So, as we all know overweight and obesity is the worse medical condition that causes over 200 more negative medical condition including heart disease, joint disease, cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma and other types of cancer, insulin resistance and so on. For the long decade, only thing was prescribed to those patients to eat less and exercise more but the game-changer drug Semaglutide will definitely result and ease more burden and also a mental health issue in this regard because we all need extra help. 

Final Thoughts

An effective weight loss drug for the patients with obesity that they can reduce their 20% of body weight in compared to any other weight loss drug available in the market with high side effect, but Semaglutide weight loss also minimize the side effect and gives better efficacy and result.

But it is also important to remember that this is a “game changer” drug not a magic pill.  Semaglutide weight loss is not a rapid or quick, or easy way to fix the problem. It only helps the patients stick to a reduced low-calorie diet so we can say that it is not a magic pill that will give you rapid magical results right after start taking semaglutide for weight loss. Day-to-day lifestyle choices and also to keep up the physical activity to stay fit and healthy is very important also.

A little bit cost issue here because Semaglutide weight loss will have to be looking at $1200-$1300 per month as long they take it to achieve Semaglutide weight loss. We can hope that it will reduce over time.



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