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How much cardio for weight loss? Are doing it in the wrong way?


How much cardio for weight loss?

How much cardio for

weight loss? Are doing it in the wrong way?

Cardio is considered to be one of the top-ranked exercises for weight loss but how much cardio for weight loss? because too much cardio brings opposite results than the desired outcome. So, how much cardio for weight loss? There is a guideline and limit for it. To answer the question of how much cardio for weight loss you need to read the full article.

In this article, we will be explaining the proper routine of how much cardio for weight loss and it will help you to effectively lose weight loss and protect against the harm associated with over cardio exercise. Besides answering the question of how much cardio for weight loss, we will explain the consequences of over-cardio and methods for avoiding those mistakes, how to regulate your cardio timing for weight loss, and so on. So, keep reading.

What actually Cardio is?

Aerobic exercise, commonly known as cardio, is a sort of physical activity that raises your heart rate and strengthens your heart and lungs while burning calories.

Do you picture sweat streaming down your brow as you run on the treadmill or go for a brisk walk during your lunch break when you hear the word cardio? It's both at the same time. Cardiovascular exercise, often known as aerobic exercise, refers to any activity that requires the use of oxygen.

Cardio is a type of exercise that - uses large muscle groups, such as your legs or upper body, requires respiration or controlled breathing raises your heart rate, and keeps it in an aerobic zone for a set period of time, and increases your heart rate and keeps it in an aerobic zone for a set amount of time.

Walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, and fitness classes are all examples of cardio. A rower, elliptical, stair climber, upright or recumbent bike, and treadmill are examples of cardio machines.

While cardio burns calories and aids in weight reduction, combining it with strength training activities at least two to three times per week will help you lose weight faster.

The quantity of cardio you need to lose weight is determined by a number of factors, including your current weight, food, level of daily activity, and age.

Cardio, which stands for cardiovascular activity, is a type of exercise that raises your heart and breathing rates. The term "aerobic exercise" is also used to describe it.

After a cardio session, it will-

·         Increase your heart rate and hold it in the aerobic zone with a cardio workout (about 50 percent -70 percent of your max heart rate).

·         induce you to break a sweat by increasing your breathing

·         Make use of big muscle groups (like your upper body or legs)

Cardio activities include the following:

·         Walking

·         Jogging or Running

·         Cycling

·         Swimming

Try to get in at least 20–40 minutes of cardio each day, or 150–300 minutes per week, for the best benefits.

Walking, jogging, boxing, cycling, and swimming are just a few examples of aerobic exercises that might help you lose weight quickly.


Why is cardio?

One of the most efficient ways to swiftly increase weight loss is to incorporate cardio into your program.

In fact, combining 40 minutes of cardio three times per week with a weight-loss regimen reduced body weight by 9% over a six-month period in 141 obese individuals, according to one study.

Another 10-month trial indicated that exercising for 400 or 600 calories five times per week resulted in an average weight loss of 8.6 pounds (3.9 kg) and 11.5 pounds (5.2 kg), respectively.


Impact of Cardio for weight loss

You must develop a calorie deficit in order to lose weight. The number of calories you eat must be less than the number of calories you expend. The amount of weight you lose is determined by the quantity of exercise you are willing to do each week.

Consider using a calorie counting app if you're not sure how to establish a deficit or need assistance meeting your goals. These trackers allow you to input your daily food intake as well as your daily physical activity, allowing you to examine your current calories in/calories out equation.

To notice significant results, the US Department of Health and Human Services recommends getting at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise each week.

At least two days a week, you should engage in strength-training activities that target all major muscle groups.

To lose one pound every week, you must produce a 3,500-calorie deficit, which means you must burn 3,500 more calories in one week than you consume.


Factors that affect the rate of calorie burning:

Before you begin a weight-loss journey involving cardiac exercise, you should be aware that some elements influence how rapidly you burn calories and, as a result, how quickly you lose weight.

·         Age. You might anticipate burning fewer calories as you get older.

·         The composition of the body. You will burn more calories during activity if you have more muscle mass than if you have a higher percentage of fat.

·         Workout intensity. The higher the intensity of your workout, the more calories you'll burn in a single session.

·         Gender. Men burn more calories than women.

·         Daily exercise in general. You will burn less calories overall if you are more inactive over the day.

·         Weight. The more weight you have, the more calories you will burn.


How much cardio for weight loss?

Now it's time for cardio. The National Institutes of Health suggests 30 to 45 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise three to five times per week for weight loss. You may increase the efficiency of your sweat sessions by alternating between high- and low-intensity workouts each day. It is recommended to do it out five times per week, alternating intensities each day, and not working out for more than two days in a row to give your body time to recover.

For a significant change, the US Department of Health and Human Services suggests 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio (or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity cardio) per week.

A quick stroll that makes you a little sweaty and your breathing a little harder than usual, but you can still communicate, is an example of moderate-intensity cardio. You can't communicate when you're doing high-intensity cardio because you're breathing fast and hard (think a killer HIIT session or a run).

To acquire some cardio, you may do a 30-minute brisk walk 5 days a week at the very least. However, depending on your body, you may need to walk for longer or try something more strenuous.


Is it possible to lose weight by doing cardio only?

The number of calories you need to burn to lose one pound of fat varies depending on your metabolism, according to the National Institutes of Health.

To shed one pound, you must burn approximately 3,500 calories. This is why losing a pound takes about a week, because all of your workouts are geared toward achieving this calorie-burning target.

However, just doing cardio isn't enough to lose weight. While a cardio workout helps you burn more calories during your workout, strength training helps your body burn calories and develop muscle throughout the day.

When you combine the benefits of cardio with regular weight training and a nutritious diet, you'll get fantastic results.


How to regulate your cardio timing for weight loss?

According to the American Heart Association, high-intensity workouts are those in which you reach 70 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate. (This means you're only able to say a few words at a time.) Moderate-intensity exercise is when your heart rate is between 50 and 70 percent of your maximum heart rate and you can speak a few lines while working.

Measure the intensity of your cardio workout on a machine by adding in some interval training on days you're ready for more activity (or your schedule is tight), suggests Forsythe. In a shorter period of time, you'll burn more calories. For example, for 15 to 20 minutes, run (or cycle) as quickly as you can for one minute, then recover for one minute at a slower rate.

You can also do some bodyweight circuits if you get off the equipment. Forsythe recommends doing burpees, speed skaters, jumping jacks, plank jacks, and mountain climbers for 30 seconds without stopping, then resting for 30 to 60 seconds before repeating the process a few times until you reach roughly 20 minutes.

If you have extra time, try to squeeze in some lengthier, lower-intensity workouts, such as walking or running, biking, or utilizing the elliptical. Note: To burn more calories, you'll need to do these for at least 30 to 45 minutes at a period, according to Forsythe. But don't rule out these low-cost, slow-moving options. According to the National Weight Control Registry, 94 percent of adults who successfully lost and kept off weight increased their physical activity, with walking being the most common exercise. (And most of them walk for around an hour a day, so aim for closer to 60 minutes if you're walking.) You can stop jogging or running sooner if you're jogging or running.)

Essentially, the quantity of cardio you need to lose weight is completely dependent on your schedule and tastes. Cardio can help you lose weight and keep it off no matter which method you use.


Can cardio really help weight loss?

Cardio burns calories and can aid weight loss, but there are other factors to consider.

To lose weight, you must produce a calorie deficit, which means you must burn more calories than you ingest. So, in order to achieve this calorie deficit, a lot depends on your food and how much activity you get each week.

A diet rich in complex carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and protein, along with regular exercise, can aid weight loss. Losing 1 to 2 pounds each week is considered healthy weight loss.

A few other factors influence how quickly you burn calories from aerobic workouts, such as:

·         Age: The more calories you burn, the younger you are.

·         Gender: Women burn fewer calories than males.

·         Body mass index (BMI): The greater your BMI, the more calories you'll burn.

·         Body composition: People who have more muscular mass burns more calories than people who have a higher fat percentage.

·         Intensity of workout: A more intensive workout burns more calories.

·         Total daily activity: If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you will burn fewer calories.


Other Benefits of Cardio

Apart from weight loss, aerobic exercise or cardio has a plethora of other advantages, including:


·         Improved Cardiovascular Health

·         Lower Blood Pressure

·         Better Sleep

·         Stronger Immune System

·         Better Mood


Which cardio exercise reduce more weight?


Consider engaging in physical activities that burn the most calories in the least period of time in order to get the most out of your workout time. This usually involves moderate to vigorous use of the large muscles of your lower body.

Cardiovascular exercise can burn between 140 and 295 calories in 30 minutes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In just 30 minutes, you can burn up to 1,500 calories using the following cardio methods.

·         185 calories for hiking

·         165 calories from dancing

·         140 calories for walking at 3.5 mph

·         295 calories from jogging (5 mph)

·         Bicycling (at speeds greater than 10 mph): 295 calories

·         Swimming burns 255 calories.


A format of cardio routine for weight loss:


On most days, you'll want cardio to take center stage and strength training to make a cameo appearance in your workout schedule.

·         Cardio: 3 to 5 days a week, do 30 to 60 minutes of cardio workouts.

·         Strength training: Strength training activities involving your major muscle groups should be done 2 to 3 times each week.

·         Stretching and flexibility: Include stretching and flexibility exercises in your everyday routine.

·         Take a day or two off each week to rest. Rest days can involve light stretching, yoga, or other forms of gentle movement if desired.

Your weekly weight reduction training plan can seem like this at first glance:


Day Exercise

Monday: 30 minutes of moderate aerobic and total-body exercise

Tuesday: 30-minute full-body and moderate aerobic workout

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: 25 minutes of intense cardio

Friday: 30 minutes of moderate exercise and a full-body workout

Saturday: 25 minutes of intense cardio

Sunday: Rest


How to arrange your workouts in zigzag formation?

When you do the same workout every day, you'll reach a plateau, where the activity loses its effectiveness. Striking it too hard, on the other hand, might lead to burnout. That's why it's crucial to space out your workouts. Include both moderate- and high-intensity cardiovascular exercise in your total fitness plan to achieve this.

Three times a week, for example, do 30 to 45 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise, such as walking or swimming. For the remaining two days (a total of five), increase the effort by doing intense workouts like running or cycling.

You can cut down on total time if you opt to undertake high-intensity interval training. For example, on the treadmill, conduct sprints followed by jogging intervals for 20 to 30 minutes.


Are you overdoing it on the cardio?


You may have convinced yourself with the idea that exercising cardio for a longer period of time can improve overall strength, but protracted cardio sessions may cause more harm than good. Overworking your heart might cause it to stiffen. Excess exercise can stress the right ventricle of the heart, which is responsible for pumping blood, making it difficult to maintain a steady heart rate.

If you do more than 60 minutes of cardio every day, it could be harmful to your health. Athletes who undertake more than 10 hours of rigorous cardio every week risk permanently damaging their hearts.


When a good workout turns into a bad one

Cardio is good for you because it boosts your heart rate, which increases the amount of oxygen in your blood. It also raises endorphin levels, which work as a natural pain reliever. Aerobics, which is a sort of cardio, serves to strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation, and boost stamina. However, a stretched cardio activity may hurt your body, resulting in undesirable consequences such as:


1.       Weight loss is hampered due to slowed metabolism:
When you work out, you burn fat as well as muscle. However, the amount of muscle you burn is negligible. Excessive cardio can result in additional muscle loss. As the body tries to keep up with the higher level of energy, this happens. It slows down your metabolism and makes weight reduction more difficult.

2.       Immune system deficiency:

Excess cortisol production, which contributes to catabolism (the breakdown of tissue) as well as chronic illness. The principal stress hormone, cortisol, should be high in the morning and low by the afternoon, staying low until bedtime. When cortisol levels are high, blood sugar and blood pressure levels rise, and you store more calories as fat, particularly around your midsection. Your immune system is also suppressed as a result of this.

3.       Sleep problems, especially if you exercise in the afternoon or evening:

If you're having difficulties sleeping and finding your workout difficult, it's possible that you're overdoing it on cardio. Cortisol (the stress hormone) levels rise during night, causing sleep disturbances. Your cortisol levels should be high in the morning and decrease at night, ideally. As a result, rather than working out in the evening, do it first thing in the morning.

4.       Menstrual cycle disruption:
If your progesterone level is consistently high, it can cause testosterone and estrogen levels to rise. When the equilibrium of progesterone and estrogen is disrupted, the result is an irregular menstrual cycle, which can also lead to acne.

5.       Your body clings to fat with all its might:
You can burn your muscles if you do too much cardio. This can affect your metabolism, making it more difficult to lose weight.

6.       No matter how much weight you shed, your body remains soft:
When you see those scales falling, it's time to rejoice. However, decreasing weight does not guarantee that you will achieve the body type you desire. The shape of your body is determined by your body composition (the ratio of fat to lean tissue). Both body fat and lean muscle tissue are lost when you do cardio. This may result in a smaller version of your body rather than the one necessary.


But how can you know when you're overdoing it?

Here's a list of questions to ask yourself, and if you answer yes to more than six of them, you might be overdoing cardio.

·         Do you have an overall feeling of being tired and lethargic throughout the day?

·         Do you have problems sleeping or feel tired even after sleeping for a sufficient number of hours each night?

·         Have your physical abilities (strength, speed, and endurance) deteriorated rather than improved?

·         Do you feel sick more frequently than usual?

·         Has your body fat percentage gone below what is considered healthy for your height?

·         Has your body fat level remained unchanged?

·          Has your menstrual cycle been erratic for women?

·         Do you find it difficult to recover between workouts?


How can different cardio exercises help you burn more calories?

If you want to lose weight, choose exercises that burn the most calories in the quickest amount of time to get the most out of your workout. Choose exercises that work your lower body's major muscles and are moderately to aggressively intense.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a 154-pound person can burn between 140 and 295 calories during a 30-minute cardio workout. The following are some popular aerobic activities and how many calories they can burn in 30 minutes:

·         Cardiovascular Exercise

·         Calories Expended While Walking (3.5 Mph)

·         140 Calories for Dancing, 165 Calories for Hiking, And 185 Calories for Running

·         255 Calories Are Burned While Swimming.

·         Jogging (5 Mph)

·         Bicycling (>10 Mph) Burns 295 Calories.

·         Calorie Count: 295

Remember that these are only estimations. The number of calories you burn will be determined by your current weight and other body-specific parameters.


Final Thoughts:

Cardio is a very effective workout since you do it smartly, by maintaining the proper guidelines mentioned above. Cardio still is very good for weight loss. But doing over-cardio can create many complications which must be avoided. Before starting any workout and/or diet you should consult your healthcare provider for a prior check for your health condition evaluation for those programs.



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